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Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico
MMM....difficult, freak, good hearted, loyal, without a care in the world

Puerto Vallarta

Thursday, April 29, 2010

This world

          My blog has been with a lot of dust...lately...have had no inspiration whatsoever....I am normally not a writer dont know what to say...never was a man with many words....but I guess I have to keep up with what I started....

      I can never understand why people get so upset....with new laws coming out or what is going..on this world...there isnt much we can do...well except one...a rise against the government since it is our fault that we let it become where it is today....

  I.E. the law that they are passing in Arizona....all it causes is hatred for everyone living there and the world a hate that is well founded...since the law is stupid by itself....that goes agains all freedom the United States is so proud of...the one that was founded by their forefathers.....who were all immigrants to begin with...but they are so blinded by their powers, by thier hatred of one another...by their selfishness....

     In my own country...government not doing anything against cases...like the fire in the care centers or the paullette case....cases that could have been resolved by now....by competent law enforcers...but we live in a society that is blinded by racism...a different kind of racism....poor against rich.....people who have nothing,  being poorer by that same people that commit these crimes rich people who still keeps everyone in the dark side of whats going...a society controlled by certain families with enough wealth to control every aspect of our lives.....a life that every one agrees to...by buying their merchandise or watching thier progarms....or even listening to ther idiotic ideas....where for most people is soccer....the escape goat to all of our daily problems...to others is talking about how we are victims of our society...and to the very few who actually try to do something regarding to it....

    So either just accept the fact....or start a revolution...when you do...give me a call...Ill be the first one in line....and I will personally shoot...everyone until then....quit your complaining....and Ill keep watching soccer....

Life is equality,

Life is hardships,

Life is cruel,

Life is love.

You and me,

You and I,

We are not so different,

A strange bond holds us tight.

Your skin colored,

Mine brown,

I always thought they mixed.

The KKK,

Can't they learn to spell 'C'lan correctly,

It seems,

They are the inferior ones.

Hate holds our lives together,

Yet so does love,

How can these two live in harmony,

An impossible question.

Why hate?

Then, why love?

Emotions swirl,

Friendships are ruined.

There is no difference,

Black or white,

Red or yellow,

Person or person.

We are all the same on one level,

We all live on this Earth,

Every race, religion, thought, idea,

We all live together,

Equality is just around the corner.

If you let it be.

  so just let it be...and maybe we will find the equilibrium we are so desperately searching for.....

until next time...

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