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Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, Mexico
MMM....difficult, freak, good hearted, loyal, without a care in the world

Puerto Vallarta

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My learning of this week!!!

it all started…3 weeks ago…I was looking for a job but then some friends had to come from Chicago…and the it all started the partying I went 6 days partying all night long and being on  the beach all day long getting 3 hours sleep….it was tough (yeah right) so here is a chronological order of what I did those days which was everything but look for a job

Thursday…I met up with them at La Chata good restaurant with a good chicken broth and Patrick and Chad who are younger than Bob who is like 60 years old and they are like 30 and 31 guys who have more money than you and I put together…well maybe not you…cuz I don't know you…but yes you cuz I do know you and these guys spend money like me drinking coke and believe me I drink alot of coke…we we went to Mandala bought a bottle of absolut well they did cuz I hung around Bob since he is the closer friend we bought a Bottle of Ketel One….in case you don't know its good Vodka better than Grey Goose depending on who you ask…(I have a full bottle at home I'm slowly drinking with Arandano juice (cranberry) went to sleep at 8am

Friday…..same shit different day…this time we went to Acqua….got a girl….

Saturday….was the craziest night of all…Cristopher got stupid drunk….we bough 3 bottles and somehow the bill went up to 12,000 pesos glad I wasn't paying (wasn't looking for a job remember) then went to the favorite place Hysteria and got a girl didn't go to sleep like until 9am….damm what a night….I could get into more detail..but some things you just don't say….

Sunday…I almost got into a fight with some guys walking down the street some me get drunk  I was beyond stupid drunk and still got a girl….earlier that day….did her on the beach…later that night…..oh yeah forgot to say same shit different day…by that is the same club every night and same table dance place….they know us by our first name…which is embarrassing sometimes but who cares

Monday…..same shit different day….well I ended up going home early not alone….but I got more sleep that day…..were calling me to go back…but I was happy with what I had at my bed…

Tuesday…last night …slow night…no more energy….couldn't even dance….got home at 3 not alone…..but didn't do much…..I sucked too damm tired…


What did I learn this whole week….well I learn I can still last with the best of them….144 hours awake 20 hours sleep and did no drugs….well only the first day…but none afterwards….


oh yeah and to look for a job

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